We Fight For You
Bringing together a team of industry leading lawyers dedicated to personal-injury related compensation claims.
Free ConsultationOur Story
Ryan Legal is a client-centric law firm, our people are at the centre of everything we do.
Being a firm based solely in the area of personal-injury compensation was a conscious decision made by Director and Principal Lawyer, Shane Ryan to ensure every case is given attention from the best personal-injury compensation lawyers in the country.
Why? Because the team at Ryan Legal believe you are entitled to the compensation you deserve and are dedicated to helping clients achieve successful outcomes.
No Win, No Fee*
For a free, confidential consultation, phone us today on
(03) 5023 7909
Our Areas of Expertise
Dust Disease Claims
If you are suffering from a dust disease such as Mesothelioma, asbestosis or asbestos-related pleural disease...
TAC & Motor Vehicle Accidents Claims
If you’ve been injured in a road or motor vehicle accident…
WorkCover Claims
Injured at work? We help you fight for the compensation you are entitled to…
Public Liability Claims
Injuries in a public place are still compensable and we can do all the hard work for you
Superannuation Claims
In the event of injury, illness or death, your superannuation policy could have you covered…
Our Testimonials
No Win, No Fee
Are you injured? Or have you been in a workplace or road accident? You might be entitled to compensation
Get in touch